Monday, November 20, 2017

Week 13: Literary Speculation

Week 13: Literary Speculation

This week I decided to read more out of Cosmicomics a collection of short stories by Italo Calvino. I decided to read these because I remember in particular we read All at One Point and The Aquatic Uncle in our class. I read Games without End, in which two creatures Pfwfp and Qfwfq are playing a game with atoms eventually breaking the universe and in a continuous loop of chasing each other. These stories make you think exactly what the heck you are reading. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed each short story and thought they were in some aspects a bit funny, or gives you something to think about.

I think in Literary Speculation the author themselves aren’t interested in exactly hitting the marks on genre, it seems they like to mix or make their own free and less strict way of writing their own stories. Every single one of these stories had a pretty strange trippy ending, or in general is just weird. Either with messing with time and space itself or its just comes from something personal to the author. Usually coming from something that’s not of our world, it’s usually pretty out of the box. It can also be a casual and not necessarily an epic either, none of these follow any epic tropes and are just free. Genre shouldn’t limit or keep a writer from mixing or writing certain characters and novels a certain way.

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